Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Back story and riddles

Back Story and Riddles

Through out the movie The Dark Knight, Heath Ledgers character The Joker gave certain back-stories to his scars. Why does he do this? I think he does it just to scare his victims and to show a darker background than what they thought might of happen to him. I think the first one he tells is truer than the second because through out the movie he says he hates his father. So by saying that it kind of persuades us into believing the first story more. I think personally that there is a method to his madness because from all the things he has down leads up to the changing of Harvey Dent. He shows us how someone of such greatness can fall to such a low level. Also his destructions are test fro Batman because it starts to make him think of who he is and how he should overcome his problems.

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