Tuesday, October 20, 2009



If my house was burning down and I only was able to grab five DVDs; I would pick A Clockwork Orange, Jaws, The Dark Knight, Terminator and The Shinning. I would take these movies because they mean a lot to me in many ways and they are just awesome movies. First A Clockwork Orange, Stanley Kubrick made this movie. He is great filmmaker and writer. This movie was so different for the time it was made in because it dealt with a lot of violence and a crumbling society. It was written so well and the actor was superb. Malcolm McDowell played Alex very well; he was sinister, rebellious and intelligent. The different shots, sets they had just made the movie so realistic and believable. The next movie I would take would be Jaws, Steven Spielberg’s second movie and one of his best movies. Jaws made cinematic history back in ’75. It was a masterpiece and an instant classic. This movie shows me if you are dedicated to the line of work you are in you can do great things. Making this movie was hell for everyone who was doing it. The shark was the big problem, it would work have the time and area they were in had boats coming in and out of shots. The weather wouldn’t help them either. So the movie Jaws is inspiration to me.

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