Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Science fiction genre

George Vitale

Sci-Fi Blog

The best Sci-Fi character ever created was the Terminator from Terminator 2 Judgment Day. He was a machine sent from the future and was pretty much unstoppable to the human man. Also during the movie he was able to learn and adapt to the human race by listening to John Connor (Edward Furlong) the boy he had to protect. The Terminator showed that one human life can save the world and is worth protecting. Now the best Sci-Fi villain ever created was I think the zenomorph alien from the movie Alien. This creature was so aggressive and well adapted to its survival and hunting skills. Because it was so clever and untraceable, it was very difficult for the crew of the ship to kill it. This alien shows that even with high tech equipment and weapons, natural instincts can still win in battle.
The best movie villain to me was the terminator from the movie The Terminator. This type of villain was so new to cinema that is was one of the most popular villains in cinematic history. Arnold Swarchzenegger played the character so well, he was able to show how a machine can care about nothing except for the mission he is on. And that he will do anything to complete it even if it means taking out a whole police station. The machine showed no pity, no remorse or fear and it wouldn’t stop until Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) was dead and Arnold pulled that one very nicely. Because of his great work on that character a new movie villain was born, The Terminator. Thanks to James Cameron we were able to see the greatest Sci-Fi villains and heroes of all time in the movies The Terminator, Aliens and Terminator 2 Judgment Day.

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